Batch processing

In my service I process requests in batches - this is because I use a GPU
and it's faster to process batches of data.

I'd like to put requests individually on the rabbitmq queue, tough.

How could I process batches of rabbitmq messages?


This isn't something supported out of the box, but nameko tries to be
extensible wherever possible. In this case you might be able to create your
own subclass of `nameko.messaging.Consumer`, overriding `handle_message` to
batch up incoming messages and only spawning a worker when you have
collected enough messages



On Friday, 16 June 2017 01:21:28 UTC+1, wrote:

In my service I process requests in batches - this is because I use a GPU
and it's faster to process batches of data.

I'd like to put requests individually on the rabbitmq queue, tough.

How could I process batches of rabbitmq messages?