Is it possible to assign message from a queue to specific listening service

New to Nameko, I have two exchanges running within one rabbitmq node. I want to assign the message from a queue to specific exchange. Is there a way to do that?
I am using clusterrpcproxy and it takes only AMQP_URI in its configurations, It randomly assigns the message to any of the two listening service(exchange).

with ClusterRpcProxy({'AMQP_URI': AMQP_URI}) as cluster_rpc:

I want to assign the message from a queue to specific exchange. Is there a way to do that?

In AMQP, you publish messages to exchanges and they are delivered to queues based on the bindings of those queues. Finally messages are consumed from queues.

Nameko RPC uses a specific arrangement of exchange, queues, bindings and consumers. There is one exchange, one request queue per service, and every service instance consumes from that request queue – hence your experience of requests being round-robined between services.

If you need a different arrangement it is possible, but you need to use the Consumer and Publisher extensions in the nameko.messaging package to do so. These give you low-level access to the AMQP entities.