I have a question about event subscription. Let’s say I have an exception tracking service. Is there an easy way with the event API to make it subscribe to any services that would publish an ‘exception’ event so that I don’t have to re-deploy it if I add a new service in my application ?
Nameko Events doesn’t support this kind of “wildcard” subscription. You subscribe to a particular event type from a particular service.
However, Nameko Events is just a particular way of using the underlying Publisher and Consumer extensions. You can implement the pattern you want with that pair.
Runnable example:
from nameko.messaging import Publisher, consume
from nameko.timer import timer
from kombu import Exchange, Queue
exception_exchange = Exchange("exceptions", type="topic")
exception_queue = Queue("exceptions_queue", exchange=exception_exchange, routing_key="*.exception")
class ServiceA:
name = "a"
publish = Publisher()
def throws(self):
self.publish("a: foo", exchange="exceptions", routing_key="a.exception")
class ServiceB:
name = "b"
publish = Publisher()
def throws(self):
self.publish("b: bar", exchange="exceptions", routing_key="b.exception")
class ServiceC:
name = "c"
publish = Publisher()
def throws(self):
self.publish("c: baz", exchange="exceptions", routing_key="c.exception")
class ExceptionTracker:
name = "tracker"
def handle_exception(self, payload):
# consume decorator doesn't expose the underlying routing key,
# but you could always just put that in the payload
print("error in service:", payload)