I have a collection of sub-services that I want to spawn from a master
service, they all share a common prefix in the method name. For example
`import-a`, `import-b`, etc
So I was thinking something along the lines of instantiating the RpcProxy
instance at runtime, inside the master service method. But I can't figure
out the 'right' way to do it.
So for example (and I know this won't work):
from nameko.rpc import rpc, RpcProxy
class Importer:
name = "import"
def run(self, servicename, value):
r = RpcProxy('{}-{}'.format(self.name, servicename))
return r.run(value)
class ImportA:
name = "import-a"
def run(self, value):
return '{} ran with {}'.format(self.name, value)
class ImportB:
name = "import-b"
def run(self, value):
return '{} ran with {}'.format(self.name, value)
Then later, I could write and start an `import-c` service, and nothing else
needs to change.
Any thoughts?
We have more or less the same problematic, and we solved it with an
extension that spawn ServiceProxy.
Here's a snippet
from nameko.extensions import DependencyProvider
from nameko.rpc import ServiceProxy, ReplyListener
class RpcProxyFactory(object):
def __init__(self, worker_ctx, reply_listener):
self.worker_ctx = worker_ctx
self.reply_listener = reply_listener
def __call__(self, target_service):
return ServiceProxy(self.worker_ctx, target_service,
class DynamicRpcProxy(DependencyProvider):
rpc_reply_listener = ReplyListener()
def get_dependency(self, worker_ctx):
return RpcProxyFactory(worker_ctx, self.rpc_reply_listener)
class Service(object):
dynamic_rpc_proxy = DynamicRpcProxy()
def run(self, value):
sub_service_a = dynamic_rpc_proxy("sub_service_a")
sub_service_a.run("hello") # returns "sub_service_a-hello"
class SubServiceA(object):
name = "sub_service_a"
def run(self, value):
return "{}-{}".format(self.name, value)
Hope this helps.
Also, I'm not too sure what I'm doing here. Therefore, any comment on this
snippet is most welcome.
2017-10-18 0:08 GMT+02:00 <jukowitz@gmail.com>:
I have a collection of sub-services that I want to spawn from a master
service, they all share a common prefix in the method name. For example
`import-a`, `import-b`, etc
So I was thinking something along the lines of instantiating the RpcProxy
instance at runtime, inside the master service method. But I can't figure
out the 'right' way to do it.
So for example (and I know this won't work):
from nameko.rpc import rpc, RpcProxy
class Importer:
name = "import"
def run(self, servicename, value):
r = RpcProxy('{}-{}'.format(self.name, servicename))
return r.run(value)
class ImportA:
name = "import-a"
def run(self, value):
return '{} ran with {}'.format(self.name, value)
class ImportB:
name = "import-b"
def run(self, value):
return '{} ran with {}'.format(self.name, value)
Then later, I could write and start an `import-c` service, and nothing
else needs to change.
Any thoughts?
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* Manfred Chebli*
Ingénieur Logiciel
04 78 18 75 38 | manfred.chebli@forcity.io
<https://twitter.com/forcity_co> <http://www.forcity.com>
I thought I'd follow up on myself here.
Manfred's solution worked well for me. But I didn't run with it.
After further thought, I realized that I could achieve the same result far
more effectively using the Events system. So rather than sending a task to
a specific process, I publish the task in a way that includes details on
'who' should run it. Then all the interested processes receive and act
accordingly. This gave me what I ultimately required, which is the ability
to add more services that could act upon the task.
I'm finding (quite often) that if I can't do something obviously in Nameko,
I'm probably thinking about it wrong 
This is pretty much the simplest implementation of a "dynamic RPC proxy"
possible, because it reuses so much of the built-in extension. I think it's
a neat way to solve exactly the problem Geoff describes.
On Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at 8:17:37 AM UTC+1, Manfred Chebli wrote:
We have more or less the same problematic, and we solved it with an
extension that spawn ServiceProxy.
Here's a snippet
from nameko.extensions import DependencyProvider
from nameko.rpc import ServiceProxy, ReplyListener
class RpcProxyFactory(object):
def __init__(self, worker_ctx, reply_listener):
self.worker_ctx = worker_ctx
self.reply_listener = reply_listener
def __call__(self, target_service):
return ServiceProxy(self.worker_ctx, target_service,
class DynamicRpcProxy(DependencyProvider):
rpc_reply_listener = ReplyListener()
def get_dependency(self, worker_ctx):
return RpcProxyFactory(worker_ctx, self.rpc_reply_listener)
class Service(object):
dynamic_rpc_proxy = DynamicRpcProxy()
def run(self, value):
sub_service_a = dynamic_rpc_proxy("sub_service_a")
sub_service_a.run("hello") # returns "sub_service_a-hello"
class SubServiceA(object):
name = "sub_service_a"
def run(self, value):
return "{}-{}".format(self.name, value)
Hope this helps.
Also, I'm not too sure what I'm doing here. Therefore, any comment on this
snippet is most welcome.
2017-10-18 0:08 GMT+02:00 <jukowitz@gmail.com>:
I have a collection of sub-services that I want to spawn from a master
service, they all share a common prefix in the method name. For example
`import-a`, `import-b`, etc
So I was thinking something along the lines of instantiating the RpcProxy
instance at runtime, inside the master service method. But I can't figure
out the 'right' way to do it.
So for example (and I know this won't work):
from nameko.rpc import rpc, RpcProxy
class Importer:
name = "import"
def run(self, servicename, value):
r = RpcProxy('{}-{}'.format(self.name, servicename))
return r.run(value)
class ImportA:
name = "import-a"
def run(self, value):
return '{} ran with {}'.format(self.name, value)
class ImportB:
name = "import-b"
def run(self, value):
return '{} ran with {}'.format(self.name, value)
Then later, I could write and start an `import-c` service, and nothing
else needs to change.
Any thoughts?
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* Manfred Chebli*
Ingénieur Logiciel
04 78 18 75 38 | manfred.chebli@forcity.io
<https://twitter.com/forcity_co> <http://www.forcity.com>
Thanks Manfred! This is extremely useful
On Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at 12:17:37 AM UTC-7, Manfred Chebli wrote:
We have more or less the same problematic, and we solved it with an
extension that spawn ServiceProxy.
Here's a snippet
from nameko.extensions import DependencyProvider
from nameko.rpc import ServiceProxy, ReplyListener
class RpcProxyFactory(object):
def __init__(self, worker_ctx, reply_listener):
self.worker_ctx = worker_ctx
self.reply_listener = reply_listener
def __call__(self, target_service):
return ServiceProxy(self.worker_ctx, target_service,
class DynamicRpcProxy(DependencyProvider):
rpc_reply_listener = ReplyListener()
def get_dependency(self, worker_ctx):
return RpcProxyFactory(worker_ctx, self.rpc_reply_listener)
class Service(object):
dynamic_rpc_proxy = DynamicRpcProxy()
def run(self, value):
sub_service_a = dynamic_rpc_proxy("sub_service_a")
sub_service_a.run("hello") # returns "sub_service_a-hello"
class SubServiceA(object):
name = "sub_service_a"
def run(self, value):
return "{}-{}".format(self.name, value)
Hope this helps.
Also, I'm not too sure what I'm doing here. Therefore, any comment on this
snippet is most welcome.
2017-10-18 0:08 GMT+02:00 <juko...@gmail.com <javascript:>>:
I have a collection of sub-services that I want to spawn from a master
service, they all share a common prefix in the method name. For example
`import-a`, `import-b`, etc
So I was thinking something along the lines of instantiating the RpcProxy
instance at runtime, inside the master service method. But I can't figure
out the 'right' way to do it.
So for example (and I know this won't work):
from nameko.rpc import rpc, RpcProxy
class Importer:
name = "import"
def run(self, servicename, value):
r = RpcProxy('{}-{}'.format(self.name, servicename))
return r.run(value)
class ImportA:
name = "import-a"
def run(self, value):
return '{} ran with {}'.format(self.name, value)
class ImportB:
name = "import-b"
def run(self, value):
return '{} ran with {}'.format(self.name, value)
Then later, I could write and start an `import-c` service, and nothing
else needs to change.
Any thoughts?
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* Manfred Chebli*
Ingénieur Logiciel
04 78 18 75 38 | manfred...@forcity.io <javascript:>
<https://twitter.com/forcity_co> <http://www.forcity.com>