I am developing a ban system based on iptables.
So I need to run a service that will accept incoming rpc for settings & querying iptables rules.
On nameko run some setup procedures should be called like creating new iptables chains etc.
But this must be run only once on startup.
So I am trying to use a SharedExtension. Like this:
class SecurityExtension(DependencyProvider):
def get_dependency(self, worker_ctx):
for ext in self.container.extensions:
if isinstance(ext, SecurityManager):
return ext
logger.error('Cannot find SecurityManager!')
class SecurityManager(SharedExtension, ProviderCollector):
filter_ports = []
def setup(self):
self.filter_ports = ['5060'] # TODO: Get from server or directly from asterisk AMI
logger.info('Security filter ports: %s', self.filter_ports)
class SecurityBroker:
name = 'security'
manager = SecurityExtension()
def test(self):
return self.manager.filter_ports
But test() always returns [] and setup never is called.
So if I add a new Entrypoint class it works:
class SecurityEvent(Entrypoint):
manager = SecurityManager()
security = SecurityEvent.decorator
and add the following method to SecurityBroker class:
def security_stub():
And all works.
But I have a question if there is another way to setup some code on startup of nameko run.